To say this engagement session was laughter filled; would be an understatement. In fact; the understatement of the century! The entire time, we laughed, talked, walked, and acted like fools. Just like I LOVE my engagement sessions to be. Who doesn’t want to laugh, have a fabulous time, and get some snuggle time while they are at it?! I mean, come on; who doesn’t need an excuse to hug a little more, laugh a little more, and fall in love a little lot more?
Brendan and Bridget met downtown, live downtown, and love everything that downtown Davenport has to offer. Any given weekend you will find them walking hand in hand, having dinner at cute little restaurants, or playing video games together at The Analog Arcade Bar. So it was only appropriate that we stayed on their sacred grounds to capture their love for each other.
The weather did not disappoint! After two scheduled attempts, due to rainy, gloomy, cold weather, we had our fingers and our toes crossed this would be the day!
We played in the alleyways, I showed them spots they had not discovered, we laughed, we danced, and laughed some more!

We ended the night down by the Mississippi River; where he proposed; with cupcakes! I mean, can it get any better? And; the sunset last night did NOT disappoint! November light to this photographer’s heart is gold!
Brendan and Bridget; I CANNOT wait until your wedding next July!
Much love~